Tuesday 31 March 2009

Hello and Welcome

Today marks the beginning of a beautiful thing, although I have no idea what and also the start of my blogging career. It may all go horribly wrong due to the fact that signing in to these things is usually more effort than I am willing to put in (except I AM doing everything in my power to secure employment, Mr. Benefits Man - honest). But I doubt it because I love the sound of my own voice far too much. I am blogging because my talent needs to be recognised. You have all been missing out on me for too long.

I'll give you a bit of background about me, just so that you know just how much raw talent and sex appeal you are dealing with. I am a very masculine manly MAN who's sexuality has never been in question, and I surprised nobody at all when I got with a very nice lady and subsequently married her. I am a graduate, but not just any graduate, I am so damn AMAZING that my talent should be recognized GOD DAMMIT. Also my opinions are always gospel truth.

So now that we have established that my ego is substantially smaller than the average blogger, I'm sure you will agree that I have far to go before I reach international fame and fortune with my regular(ish) rantings on the happenings and news and events and arty shit that interests me. Except I haven't read the news yet today and the wife is going to make me garden in a minute, so you'll just have to wait until next time to witness the birth of a STAR.

See you later, badger baiters.