Monday 23 August 2010

Pigs, Lunch and Unity


Went down to Leeds Unity day in Hyde Park yesterday. Hyde Park is one of those places that is usually full of students and the odd apologetic vegetarian, interspersed with some div trying to sell the Socialist Worker. Fortunately it is the middle of summer so all of the properly wanky students had fucked off to be with their mummies and left behind only the reasonably well adjusted, the hardcore and the insane.

The day kicked off with us nearly stepping in some vegetarian dog shit, before trying to find some lunch. Vegetarians don't plan their festivals very logically, so it took us a while to find. When eventually we located a vegetarian hog roast sandwich with apple sauce (which hit the spot nicely despite it's excessive price of £3.50) we were delighted to find that the hog was in fact real and in fact the hog roast was fuelled with vegetarians. properly ace.


Which is entirely the point of unity day. Digressing. And it is all the better for it, too. It was nice to hear some properly loud music again as we haven't been out of our box at all since becoming enslaved by our tiny, angelic faced but slave driving captor, the Berzog. Highlights included some pissed up scottish guy growling at the crowd a lot, dancehall music - the only time and place this is any good is at these events, the Very Tidy Disco Tent - excellent tunes as always, The G-unit (eldest son) finding a Berzog discarded toy that we all thought had gone forever, and last but not least the scantilly clad, ample thighed fire dancer at the end.

So there you have it.

Although I will say that a "slow latin grooves" tent was sadly lacking. Or is that just me?


When will the extreme-right-posing-as-conservatism hysterical CUNT brigade in the States finally be superceded by something reasonable???

Ground Zero Mosque?


Fuck off and die.

Tuesday 17 August 2010


Went to the YSP yesterday. It was nice. Saw some of the David Nash stuff - It's really cool stuff and really good to see in the context of the YSP. If I were you I'd go and see it, even if penis obsessed hunks of charred wood aint your bag. The rest of the park is excellent too - I especially enjoyed the giant hare women by Sophie Ryder. St. Marys of York could learn a thing or two from the YSP.

Just don't eat at the cafe - £40 for 4 sandwiches, cakes and tea. my arse HURTS...

Time Flies


God damn, I seem to have just lost an entire year of blog. This was not due to any cock rock style massive drugs binge, in fact it was in protest against such massive wasteful and unstylish excess, to prove that you do not have to behave like a total cunt to wind up going backwards, you can settle down, have a baby and and be a good citizen and still manage some blogger's droop.


Shitloads has happened here recently, I gained a son, some weight, lost a drinking habit, joined a committee, broke down in the snow and properly fell out with my mother. happy days. In between all that shit I have been itching to rant about all sorts of crazy shit but some of it was so crazy that I had to wait a bit in order not to explode.

Like the Tories not wining the election but somehow managing to get the Liberal wanky tosswad traitorous power hungry brown nose Democrat party to bend down and eat their shit so that they could form a government and destroy the country. Except the country already got destroyed by another bunch of public school cunts called the Labour Party in conjunction with even more public school cunts at the bank. Anybody would think that public school cunts are totally incompetent but evidently not, because no other fucker can get a job because of them.

It is quite scary watching the Toryboys scramble around looking for non broken bits of the country to smash...We are all doomed... Goodbye public sector, goodbye arts and culture, hello enforced sucking of Daily Mail reader's Cocks (I know most of those Nazis are women, doesn't mean they don't have cocks - look at Melanie Phillips).


We have largely stopped watching telly these days. The food programmes have not evolved sufficiently to keep us entertained - instead of food related deathfights with samurai swords -which would be the obvious and natural progression - we just have even more pretentious bollocks, chefs who take themselves far too seriously and who would obviously rather shag their own food than a real human. Most other television has become so mindless that it actually hurts your brain to watch it. Only Luther and Sherlock (both BBC) were actually any good in the last 12 months, and when the Daily Nazi manage to bludgeon the spineless cunt government into abolishing the license fee there will be absolutely nothing on the airwaves except for post apocalyptic Mitchell and Webb style gameshows and Mitchell and Webb themselves, the irritating bastards.


Elsewhere, in the world of actual culture, the famed art critic Bane is currently working to make the MLT the world's major arts hub - which is an ongoing thing that might take a while - and elsewhere people are churning out the same old shite, talking the same old bollocks.

And what the fuck is the point of the York St. Mary's "art space"???? As a concept I have never come across anything so damn lazy - in itself not necessarily a bad thing - I'm all for a bit of laziness - but to open and employ staff to man 1 fucking meaningless art installation so that 3 people a day can accidentally stumble in, wonder how long they have to stand staring at something that they have absolutely no ability to relate to in order to be polite before slowly creeping out again, breathing a sigh of relief and feeling somehow violated is surely a waste of time and space. I'm not saying that the art or the artists are necessarily shite, but the point of an art installation is surely to enhance a vibrant space like a piazza or some other busy hub - context is king, and if the context is deathly silent, slightly dingy and totally devoid of any activity then unless it is truly world class the art is always going to fall slightly flat.