Monday 23 August 2010

Pigs, Lunch and Unity


Went down to Leeds Unity day in Hyde Park yesterday. Hyde Park is one of those places that is usually full of students and the odd apologetic vegetarian, interspersed with some div trying to sell the Socialist Worker. Fortunately it is the middle of summer so all of the properly wanky students had fucked off to be with their mummies and left behind only the reasonably well adjusted, the hardcore and the insane.

The day kicked off with us nearly stepping in some vegetarian dog shit, before trying to find some lunch. Vegetarians don't plan their festivals very logically, so it took us a while to find. When eventually we located a vegetarian hog roast sandwich with apple sauce (which hit the spot nicely despite it's excessive price of £3.50) we were delighted to find that the hog was in fact real and in fact the hog roast was fuelled with vegetarians. properly ace.


Which is entirely the point of unity day. Digressing. And it is all the better for it, too. It was nice to hear some properly loud music again as we haven't been out of our box at all since becoming enslaved by our tiny, angelic faced but slave driving captor, the Berzog. Highlights included some pissed up scottish guy growling at the crowd a lot, dancehall music - the only time and place this is any good is at these events, the Very Tidy Disco Tent - excellent tunes as always, The G-unit (eldest son) finding a Berzog discarded toy that we all thought had gone forever, and last but not least the scantilly clad, ample thighed fire dancer at the end.

So there you have it.

Although I will say that a "slow latin grooves" tent was sadly lacking. Or is that just me?


When will the extreme-right-posing-as-conservatism hysterical CUNT brigade in the States finally be superceded by something reasonable???

Ground Zero Mosque?


Fuck off and die.

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