Wednesday 15 April 2009

Damn Protestors


The latest video of a woman being slapped and beaten by the cops is bloody vexing. For starters, everybody knows about the police and what is likely to happen when you wind them up. It's a sad fact of life, but there will always be a certain percentage of wanker cops. Secondly, street protests are totally ineffective and nobody takes them seriously because of occasions like this where the people taking part are indoctrinated with someone else's bile and are just angry for the sake of it. There are far more effective, clever and useful ways to protest than gathering and shouting. Lets be fair, it's just annoying for everyone else, and means that if reasonable people want to protest in a reasonable manner, they can't because the law now has a preconceived idea that people are just looking to get them in trouble. 

If it wasn't for the protesters, the newspaper vendor wouldn't have been caught up in the midst of it, unbothered and would have just been able to walk home. What the police did seemed to be wholly unreasonable and quite frankly wrong and that is where you have to pin the blame, but the protesters also need to acknowledge their part in the death of an innocent man.  


As for the woman, whilst violence is never appropriate, and especially not from a copper in that situation, if you shout in a persons face there is a good chance that the person will retaliate in some way. She is very lucky to have managed to pick a total psycho to wind up and get sacked, which was what she was quite clearly looking to do, but people do have to take responsibility for their own actions and until we do that - ALL of us, especially the G20 weasels, then the world will continue on a downward trajectory.


I think that people should keep as wide a berth of the police as possible, and anyone not doing that has to accept what might happen.


On a more cheery note, it has been brought to my attention that the Henry Moore Institute are going to run an exhibition of public art that never made it. I am looking forward to this...

have fun... and stay away from those rozzers...

the I-B

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