Tuesday 14 April 2009

No. 1 - Whitby

Whitby - Tourist trap, pretty, steep, bloody cold classic Yorkshire seaside town. I am not saying that Whitby's public art is shite, but if the best they can do is a bit of falling down church and Capn. Cook then something needs to be done. Time to send in BANE.


What would turn the fortunes of this town? what is Whitby? Whitby looks to the sea, but also provides refuge from the very same. Never mind the moronic goth numpties and their Dracula fixations, for they have NO place in Bane's Whitby. No, what Whitby needs is...


...Is a Sea Prod. A Sea Prod would emphasize Whitby's relationship with the sea, embracing, caressing, sometimes just poking, keeping at arms length, often violent and sometimes loving. It would put Whitby squarely on the map with post-Gormleyist situational abstract conceptualists such as myself, and reinforce the hard core credibility of Whitby as a viable-and-not-shite  place to be. Here is a very quick concept sketch: 

I think this is a goer. I will send it in to the council and see what comes back. Meanwhile, time to dig more holes in my garden and try to explain what the fuck I am doing to elderly and incontinent passers by...


The I-B

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